Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Back in Moz!

I’m back in Moz for Year 3! I arrived just in time to kill a few days at the beach, catch up with old friends, help with a PC conference and am now settling into my new role in the Maputo office before I move to Chimoio next week.

One fun aspect that met me upon arrive was Cyclone Funso, sliding down the channel between Mozambique and Madagascar. Really, all this meant for me was that a little rain during the night, frequent paranoid text messages from the PC Safety & Security officer and a little trouble getting back down to Maputo, thanks to a missing bridge that was miraculously “rebuilt” in 48 hours (there is one highway in southern Mozambique, so the capital was essentially cut off from the rest of the country – it’s amazing what can be accomplished with the proper incentive).

So here's the lack of bridge...

And here's what we drove across three days later...

Once I eventually get to my new site, I’ll be working as a sort-of adjunct professor at the Universidade Catolica de Moçambique; but the majority of my time will be spent with Peace Corps, working through their office in Chimoio (staff of three, when you count me…). I’ll keep you posted here, so keep checking back for updates!